S01E05 - The Unexpected

This week we discuss the new James Bond novel Carte Blanche by Jeffrey Deaver, Two Scoops Is Just Right by Alex Carrick, the World of Warcraft novel StormRage by Richard A Knaak, Chris brings us some book news and Harlan Zinck joins us live to bring...

12 years ago

This week we discuss the new James Bond novel Carte Blanche by Jeffrey Deaver, Two Scoops Is Just Right by Alex Carrick, the World of Warcraft novel StormRage by Richard A Knaak, Chris brings us some book news and Harlan Zinck joins us live to bring us a full audio drama from the 1940s series THE UNEXPECTED!


Your Hosts:


Paul Alves

Greg Otte

Chris Jagr

Harlan Zinck


Special Thanks To:


Harlan Zinck of RadioArchives.com for bringing us those great audio dramas which we will be seeing soon on the podcast stream as AUDIO DRAMA SPECIALS


Geoff Smith for our fantastic theme song.

Chris Jagr for bringing those "Dark And Stormy Night" cocktails this week… mmmm ginger beer and dark rum, does wonders for the voices.  I sounded like I was gargling gravel for the first few minutes of this podcast but it was worth it, they were very tasty!

Released July 30th, 2011

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Book Guys is a weekly show about books, audiobooks, audio dramas, podcasts and much much more! The Book Guys are Paul Alves, Craig Damlo, James Goots and Professor Alan Middleton! Along with Book Guys this stream also includes some of our other podcasts including RPG Live, Emergency Broadcast System and more!